Call: 432.262.0420

Visit: 1608 Tarleton St.

Midland, TX 79703

Hours: Monday through

Thursday: 8:30am-4:30pm

Friday: 8:30am-12pm

VIE Concierge Family Medicine & Aesthetics Logo


Harnessing Your Body’s Healing Power for Radiant Skin

You want the perfect solution to stimulate cell growth within your own body? PRP/PRF is your answer! PRP and PRF are cutting-edge treatments that utilize your body's natural healing abilities to rejuvenate your skin. Your blood is drawn, processed, then used for treatment. The amazing benefits of PRP and PRF can be used to stimulate hair growth, diminish the appearance of scarring, encourage the body’s production of collagen, and much more. That’s why they’re called the “Liquid Gold”!

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